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更新时间:2024-04-27 19:09:18

I believe the very nature of writing is to set the writer free,not to impress readers.I encourage my students to write freely.By now we taste the goodness of free writing and enjoy it very much.And I imagine you may have tons of questions about free writing.

First,how to improve my logic?

(36)___ The power of writing has to do with its emotion,and logic,and therefore we try extra hard to be logical-but this kind of forced logic is not something we can force on ourselves,or on our writings.When we let our emotional voice come out freely,our logical voice will also come out-that is the charm of free writing.Read your own free writings,you will find many free writings are quite logical indeed.You are not that illogical as you thought of yourself.


Yes,sometimes our ideas are boring,sometimes we are boring people-so what?Who says we have to be amazing all the time?Let's respect our human reality.The good thing we need to do is to continue to write patiently.Persistence wins the battle.Sometimes the idea may seem boring to us,but as we continue to write,something else will come up.(38)___ Our writing does not have to be immortal or amazing.Writing is just one way to express ourselves.Please don't worship writing.

Now,what if my writing often shows my dark side that I don't want to see at all?

(39)___ As human beings we all have our dark sides; what is the right way for us to become better people?To face them honestly or to hide them and pretend they never exist?Honesty is always the best policy.Our dark sides need to be expressed,and free writing is a perfect outlet.The miracle is,after you express yourself truthfully,you will have less negative emotions,you will be more at peace with yourself,and have more compassion(同情) toward others.(40)___ Many of my students have experienced the healing effects of free writing.And I believe you will experience the same wonderful healing.

A.This is a very hone

  36.B.推理判断题.根据文章第二段"First,how to improve my logic"首先如何提高我的逻辑,可知介绍的是提高逻辑,故填逻辑只是写作的一个方面.故选B.37.C.推理判断题.本处选择小标题.根据第一...
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