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2012年高考英语完形填空考前训练-02(附详解)Here I must put in a few words about my experience here in China. If I have ___1___ with a Chinese host, he always presses___2___ food onto my plate as soon as I have emptied the previous helping. That often makes me ___3___ very awkward(尴尬的). I have to eat the food even if I don’t ___4___ it, because it is considered ___5___ manners in the West to ___6___ one’s food on the plate. I have also ___7___ that when a Chinese sits at an American’s dinner party, he very often ___8___ the offer of food or drink though he is in fact still hungry or ___9___. This might be good manners in China, but it is certainly ___10___ in the West. In the United States, it is­­ ___11___ to keep asking someone again and again or press something on him. Americans are very ___12___. If they want something, they will ask for it. If not, they will say, “­___13___.” Here’s an example: When an American is offered ___14___ by the host, and he doesn’t feel like beer, he will probably say,“No, thanks. I just don’t feel like it. I’ll ___15___ some diet Pepsi-Cola if you have it.” That is___16___an American will do. ___17___ are taught that “Honesty is the best policy”. But in some countries, courtesy(礼貌) might be more important than ___18___. So when I am here in China, I have to observe the ___19___ here. But when you go to ___20___, you had better “do as the Romans do”.(www.yygrammar.com)1. A. trouble B. dinner C. words D. difficulty2. A. more B. much C. enough D. little3. A. think B. taste C. feel D. smell4. A. eat B. like C. drink D. help5. A. important B. bad C. polite D. rude6. A. take B. leave C. forget D. pass7. A. noticed B. minded C. heard D. informed8. A. accepts B. refuses C. nods D. gives9. A. thirsty B. angry C. happy D. full10. A. so B. kind C. not D. right11. A. impolite B. good C. kind D. sad12. A. honest B. direct C. short D. kind13. A. I’m sorry B. Yes, I want C. No, thanks D. Yes, please14. A. food B. beer C. coffee D. tea15. A. bring B. offer C. like D. take16. A. that B. what C. whether D. how17. A. Englishmen B. Frenchmen C. Americans D. Australians18. A. manners B. honesty C. request D. order19. A. customs B. habits C. action D. ways20. A. China B. Rome C. the United States D. the United Nations[1][2]下一页 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~【答案与解析】本文说的是中美风俗习惯问题。首先说的是“我”在中国的经历,对中国主人“劝饭”的做法不理解,有时觉得很尴尬;接着又通过在宴会上的例子说明在中国和美国什么做法是礼貌的,并说要“入乡随俗”。1. B。从后面的 he always presses ___2___ food onto my plate… 等来看,此处说的是吃饭时的礼节问题,故用 dinner。2. A。当我在中国做客时,主人总是在我吃完先前的食物时又强夹给我更多的食物。故用 more。3. C。主人的这种做法让我觉得很尴尬。在这里应用系动词 feel(www.yywords.com)。4. B。3, 4, 5, 6 题应结合起来考虑。根据西方人的观点,吃饭时应把盘子中的食物都掉,否则就是不礼貌。因此,当在中国吃饭时,主人喜欢硬给客人盛饭菜,可客人即使不喜欢这些食物,也只好把它吃掉。5. B。句意为:尽管我不喜欢,但我只好把它吃了,因为在西方把食物剩留在盘子里被认为是不礼貌的。6. B。西方人认为,把盘子里的饭吃干净是礼貌的,而把饭剩留(leave)在盘子里则是不礼貌的。
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